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Witchin' in the Kitchen
Tea pot is on, the cups are waiting, FEASTING! ![]()
Kitchen Witchery and preparing your kitchen
"...Every Kitchen Witch should have a lunar calender or chart that shows the phases of the moon and its position in the wheel of the zodiac...." Kitchen Witch's Blessing Blessed be this Kitchen of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Be warmed by the sacred light of the Goddess and the Horned One. May all that is created here by means both magical and mundane bring nourishment, healing, and sustenance, and cause harm to none. With love and peace, with joy and magic, be now and always filled. So mote it be! -Gerina Dunwich
"...A rope of Garlic, Pentagrams, potted herbs and Sun catchers (or those quartz crystals to hang in the window) will offer protection and magickal energies to your kitchen..."
Beverages ".....Keep an Aloe Vera plant in the kitchen, it's juice offer instant cooling and healing to injuries...It is also said an Aloe plant in your house protects from injuries...."
"...An Amethyst placed on or near the stove keeps negative energies from entering the pot while you cook..."
Breads "....For better tasting food: Place a quartz crystal on or near the stove while cooking...."
Main Dishes
"....Grow a pot of basil herb in your kitchen to keep the area safe from evil forces and negative spirits...."
"...a well-stocked witch's kitchen should not only contain herbs, but also essential oils, a mortar & pestle, candles of various colors, different types of incense, an up to date lunar calendar, & a cauldron for brewing potions. smudge your kitchen with a sage bundle if you sense negativity. anoint utensils & appliances with essential oils to bless & charge them with powerful vibrations. Always stir food in a clockwise direction, & be sure to invite the goddess & her consort into your new magickal workplace...." -Gerina Dunwich
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