Combine 1 2/3 cups baking soda
1/2 cup of liquid soap blend until no longer lumpy.
Add 1/2 cup water and 2 tbs. vinegar
mix well and store in sealed container. Shake well before each use.
All Purpose Cleaner 2
2 cups water
2 tsp. borax
1 tsp. soap
into a spray bottle. Shake well to mix.
All Purpose Cleaner 3
1 tsp. borax
1/2 Tsp. washing soda
2 Tbl. lemon juice
In a spray bottle that will hold at least a pint, combine the ingredients. Add 1 cup very hot water and shake well, mixing and dissolving the dry ingredients. To use, simply spray and wipe.
All Purpose Cleaner 4
4 tablespoons baking soda
1 quart warm water
Dissolve baking soda in warm water. Apply with a sponge. Rinse with water.
All Purpose Cleaner:for more stubborn dirt
1 tablespoon ammonia(**ammonia is toxic-use with care)
1 tablespoon liquid detergent
1 pint water (2 cups)
Mix ingredients and put in spray bottle. Spray on surface. Wipe. Rinse w/ water.
All Purpose Cleaner-for stubborn stains
Apply baking soda to a damp sponge. Rinse with water.
All-Purpose Spray Cleaner
1 tsp liquid castile soap
1/4 cup white vinegar
3 tbls lemon or grapefruit juice
2 cups water
10 drops lavender, sweet orange or thyme oil
Combine in a spray bottle. Shake before using.
Antibacterial/antifungal multipurpose cleaner
Fill an empty spray bottle almost to the top with equal parts vinegar and water leaving enough room for 4 tbsps of lemon juiceand 1 tbsp of tea tree oil.
non toxic and works better than commercial cleaners.
"Fantastic"-like cleaner
2 T. non-sudsy ammonia
1 tsp. liquid dish soap
1 pt. rubbing alcohol
1 gal. water
Store in a spray bottle.
Kitchen Sanitizer
8 ounces water
60 drops thyme essential oil
Combine in a sprayer bottle and spray on surfaces to be disinfected. Wipe dry. Shake well before each use.
Marble Cleaner
1/2 C. white vinegar
1/4 C. baking soda
1 C. ammonia
1 gal. hot water
Mix well in a bucket. Wear rubber gloves, and work in well-ventilated area. Use a sponge to wash marble. Rinse with clear water, then dry.
Mold & Mildew Prevention Formula
Use this formula on shower stalls and curtains, the tracks between sliding glass doors, and other moist areas.
2 cups water
8-10 drops citrus seed extract
2 teaspoons tea tree essential oil
4 drops juniper essential oil
Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle. Spray areas and surfaces well but do not rinse. Note: If you already have a buildupof mold or mildew, allow the spray to "rest" on the surface areas for a few hours. Wipe with a soft cloth, then respray the areas and let dry without rinsing.
SOURCE: The Naturally Clean Home: 101 Safe and Easy Herbal Formulas for Non-Toxic Cleansers
by Karyn Siegel-Maier
Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Sprinkle about ½ cup baking soda into the toilet bowl then pour in ½ cup vinegar. Wait for a few minutes, scour, and flush
No-Streak Glass Cleaner
1/4 cup white vinegar
1 tablespoon cornstarch,
1 quart warm water
Mix the ingredients, pour into spray bottle and spray on.
Pine Scented Cleaner
2 teaspoons borax
10 drops pine oil
8 drops patchouli or cedar oil
Add all ingredients to a gallon-sized bucket of hot water and scrub away.
Formica Cleaner
1/2 tsp. vegetable oil-based liquid soap
3 T. vinegar
1/2 tsp. linseed or olive oil
1/2 C. warm water
Mix well in a spray bottle. Shake well. Spray Formica surface, then wash with a sponge. Rinse well.
Furniture Cleaner/Polish
3 cups olive oil
1 cup vinegar
2 parts olive/vegetable oil
1 part lemon juice
Mix together until well blended. Use a clean, soft cloth to apply.
Fiberglass Scouring Cleanser
1/2 C. soap flakes
1 1/2 C. hot water
2 tsp. borax
2 to 5 tsp. whiting
In a large plastic bowl, mix soap flakes and borax into water until dissolved. Add whiting gradually, checking the consistency and degree ofabrasiveness after each teaspoon. Pour mixture into a squeeze-top container. Squeeze some of the cleanser onto a sponge and then wipe down the fixture. Rinse and dry
Fiberglass Tub Floor Cleaner
This is to be used only on the irregular bottom surface of the tub - not on the smooth surfaces.
3 C. baking soda
1 C. borax
Fine drywall sandpaper
Mix baking soda and borax together. Work the cleanser in with the drywall sandpaper and then rinse well.
Disinfectant Spray Cleaner
2 cups water
2 tsp tea tree
1 tsp lemon juice
2 drops rosemary
2 drops lavender
2 cups water
3 tbsp. liquid soap
20-30 drops Tea Tree Oil
Mix ingredients and put in a spray bottle.
Disinfectant I
Mix 1/2 c. Borax with 1 Gallon hot water.
Disinfectant II
Mix 20-30 drops Tea Tree oil with
2 c. water
2 Tb liquid soap
excellent for washing down counter tops and cutting boards.
Disinfectant III
Mix 1/2 cup ammonia
1/2 cup washing soda
1 gallon medium-warm water
Mix in a pail, wash, and rinse with clean water.
Fireplace Cleaner
4 oz. naptha soap
1/2 lb. powdered pumice
1 qt. hot water
1/2 C. household ammonia
Add soap to the hot water. Heat until the soap dissolves. Cool, then stir in pumice and ammonia. Mix thoroughly. Remove as much of the smokydeposit as you can before applying a coat of the soap mixture with a paint brush. Allow it to remain on for 30 minutes. Scrub with a paint brush and warm water. Sponge with plenty of water to rinse.
Scented Scouring Powder
1 cup baking soda
1/4 cup borax
1/4 cup dried sage leaves, finely ground
1/4 cup dried rosemary leaves, finely ground
Sink Scrub
This works wonders on metal sinks, but it is effective on stained porcelain sinks
1/4 cup borax
1/4 cup baking soda
1/2 cup vinegar
4 drops lemon essential oil
2 drops rosemary essential oil
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Sprinkle toilet bowl with Borax and then add vinegar. Scour w/ toilet brush.
Toilet Bowl Cleaner-for more stubborn stains
Lemon juice
Combine lemon juice and borax to make a paste about the consistency of toothpaste. Flush toilet to wet sides. Rub paste on toilet bowl ring. Letsit for 2 hours and then scrub thoroughly.
Window & Chrome Cleaner
Mix 1 part vinegar w/ 2-3 parts water in a spray bottle.
Wood Furniture Cleaner
1 cup Murphy’s Oil soap
½ cup water
2 teaspoons lemon oil
6 drops lemongrass essential oil
Place all ingredients in a spray bottle, spray furniture lightly, and wipe with a soft cloth.
Dishwashing Liquid
To a 22 oz. container of liquid castile soap add:
10 drops lemon
8 drops orange
20 drops grapefruit
Cedarwood Dusting Aid
This recipe makes enough for a large spray bottle.
1/2 cup oil soap (I like Murphy's Oil Soap)
3/4 cup water
5 drops sweet orange or patchouli essential oil
15-20 drops cedar essential oil
Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well. Spray onto wood and wipe clean with a soft, dry cloth.
SOURCE:The Naturally Clean Home: 101 Safe and Easy Herbal Formulas for Non-Toxic Cleansers
by Karyn Siegel-Maier