Create these talismans in a magickal circle for use during the Mabon,
Samhain, and Yule seasons. Frankincense and myrrh are particularly
spiritual herbs which have been used in religious ceremonies for
ages. When burned, frankincense releases powerful vibrations as well
as banishes negativity and evil. It protects, consecrates, purifies,
and exorcises. It is attributed to the Sun. Myrrh purifies, lifts
vibrations, and creates peace. It is used to intensify the power of
any incense to which it is added. Myrrh is attributed to the Moon.
The fact that these two herbs are associated to the Sun and Moon is
highly appropriate as we enter the Mabon season, a time of balance.
And as we enter the dark half of the year, these herbs work together
to push back our fears and anxieties. These pine cones are burned in
the fireplace or cauldron.
2x2-inch pine cones (about 24)
Frankincense powder (1/4 cup, approximately 2 ounces)
Myrrh powder (1/2 cup, approximately 4 ounces)
Gold Glitter (1.4 cup)
White Crafts Glue
Cellophane bags (available from florist or crafts supply store)
Shallow container, such as a shoe box lid
Gold filigree ribbon
Rinse pine cones with water. Lay cones on an old cookie sheet and
place in 300 degrees oven for one hour. Spread cones out on layers of
newspapers and set aside to complete drying. Blend frankincense,
myrrh, and glitter in a shallow container. Dab glue on tips of pine
cone petals and on the bottom of the cone. Roll cone in mixture of
powder and glitter. Set cones aside to dry. Package in a handful of
dried cones in cellophane bags to give as gifts. Tie bag shut with
gold filigree ribbon. Attach a label with a holiday greeting and
instructions for using the pine cones: Enjoy the aromatic incense the
cones release when burned. Toss a cone or two onto hot embers, and
inhale the earthy fragrance. Or, set the cones in a dish for a more
subtly fragrant decoration.