Desired cotton fabric
Sheet wadding
Sewing Machine access
Fragrance oil or essential oil of choice--Lavender is nice and so is lemon scent
You can use essential or fragrant oils for these mat's,Fragrant oil is much cheaper and can be bought from good craft supply stores.
If you have old quilts cut them up for wadding.
Start by cutting out what size pads you want , approx. 5cm X 5cm is suitable .
Cut your fabric into the size you require allowing for stitching .
Sew 3 sides of your fabric closed and slip in the sheet wadding through the last opening .
You will need to either begin hand sewing or machine sewing this end closed.
Just before you complete the closure Sprinkle some lavender oil into the
Project . or sprinkle your drops of oil onto the wadding prior to placing it inside .
That's it . then when you place it into the dryer the fragrance will come wafting through
And when the fragrance decreases add some more drops of oil !