1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup water
Newspaper or grocery bag strips (1 inch by 3 inches)
Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline)
Acrylic paints
Acrylic gloss finish *optional*
1. Make the strips of paper.
2. Take a small, rounded bowl, set upside down, and cover it with
petroleum jelly.
3. Mix equal parts of flour and water. A half cup of each is enough
for two small bowls.
4. Dip each strip into the paste and apply the first layer of strips
vertically , covering the bowls surface. Don't worry about it being
uneven or jagged. It can be easily trimmed with scissors after it is
dried. Apply the second layer of strips horizontally and so on until
you have 5 layers.
5. Allow to dry. This takes about one full day.
6. Separate the papier-mache from the bowl. Use the tip of a butter
knife to separate the two. If the inside is not completely dry, allow
to dry for another day.
7. Once completely dry, trim the edges with scissors.
8. Paint with acrylics. Add symbols or sponge. Use your imagination!
9. *optional* Allow to dry and then cover with the acrylic gloss
This bowl you've created can be used on your altar to hold herbs,
potpourri or shell/stones, whatever you want! It can be gently wiped
out but don't wash it with water.